Lupu says 'Puppeteer' scandal aims to distract public opinion from elections
Democrat leader and Speaker Marian Lupu says he anticipated the destabilization of the situation after local elections on June 19, but expected the opposition to do it. According to him, the PLDM's attacks on PDM were meant to distract public opinion from the local elections.
“We have some urgent issues related to the Chisinau Municipal Council and to the mayor’s election. These issues are disregarded as if not important”, Marian Lupu said.
He thinks there is either a coincidence of interests or a silent agreement that PLDM causes this scandal in order to distract the attention of politicians and society from pressing matters.
The Liberal Party contested the results of the June 5 elections for the Chisinau Municipal Council, demanding the recounting of votes. Despite an irreversible decision of the Court of Appeals in this regard, the recount cannot take place because the Centru District Court and then the Supreme Justice Court suspended the procedure following an application by the Communist Party.