In 2024, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) registered 363 applications against the Republic of Moldova, by 44% fewer than in 2023. This is the lowest number of applications submitted to the ECHR by Moldovans in the last 10 years. Also, 17 judgments in Moldovan cases were pronounced last year. The figure is by 30% lower compared to 2023, shows an analytical note presented by the Legal Resources Center from Moldova.
In a news conference hosted by IPN, Carolina Bagrin, program director at the Center, said that although there were fewer applications, their number remains high.
"Moldova ranks 11th out of 46 member countries by the number of complaints addressed to the ECHR. In 2024, Moldovans turned to the ECHR three times more often against the European average," noted the expert.
For 27 years, since the Republic of Moldova ratified the European Convention on Human Rights, the ECHR registered 17,700 applications against the Republic of Moldova. At the end of last year, the ECHR had 1,444 applications against the Republic of Moldova under consideration, the figure being quite high, said Carolina Bagrin.
In total, the ECHR pronounced 616 judgments in Moldovan cases.
In the 17 judgments passed against Moldova last year, violations of the right to a fair trial, prohibition of torture and prohibition of discrimination were found. It goes to flawed investigations, precarious detention conditions, failure to provide medical assistance in the penitentiary, domestic violence, etc.
Carolina Bagrin said that last year the Court registered a total of 28,800 applications. The figure is by 17% lower compared to 2023. Most applications are from Turkey, Ukraine, Romania, Poland and Russia.
The ECHR examined 36,819 applications, by 4% fewer than the previous year. 71% of these applications were rejected as inadmissible. Of the 1,102 judgments given, most were against the Russian Federation – 302, Ukraine – 158 and Turkey – 73. Among the most violated were the right to freedom and security, prohibition of torture and the right to a fair trial.
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