
Lorenzo Tomassoni: We want to travel on European train together


“The Italian Republic and the Italian people strongly support the aspiration of the Republic of Moldova to join the European Union. We hope that the Moldovan people will be able to quickly board the train of freedom, peace, rule of law and well-being. We want to travel on this train together, side by side, towards a better future for all. A future that, if Moldova continues along the path it has taken with courage and determination, will soon be within reach,” H.E. Ambassador of the Italian Republic to the Republic of Moldova Lorenzo Tomassoni stated in his speech on the occasion of Italy’s National Day, which was celebrated festively in Chisinau on Friday, IPN reports.

According to the diplomat, the strong bond between Rome and Chisinau, European Capitals of two Peace-loving sister Nations, pushes in that direction. “Consolidating this bond day by day is, first and foremost, the Moldovan Diaspora in Italy. An exemplary model of integration, the Diaspora has been over the decades and is, to this day, one of the main conveyor belts of the common values of the great European family.

“Many Italians, given the cultural affinity and common linguistic roots that bind us, have also chosen to come and live in Moldova. My compatriots are more and more. They have created beautiful Italian-Moldovan families here and invested their capital. It is no coincidence that, net of course of the movements between the two sides of the Prut, they constitute in Moldova the largest expatriate community of an EU member state. We are very similar and we are good together. We like the same things. That is also why Italy is the second largest country in terms of the number of foreign-owned companies registered in Moldova. The third in terms of investment volume,” said Lorenzo Tomassoni.

The official noted that the ties and cooperation between representatives of the Institutions in Rome and Chisinau are no less close than those that unite the two peoples who democratically chose them.

“Since President Maia Sandu’s visit to Rome in June 2021, relations between Italy and Moldova have begun to record unprecedented levels of cooperation. In the past three years, material and financial contributions from the Italian government to the Moldovan government, to meet and overcome refugee and energy challenges, have risen from zero to approximately forty-five million euros. In the past twelve months, from Prime Minister Meloni’s participation in the European Political Community Summit held in Chisinau to the present, bilateral relations have become even more intense and fruitful. The Joint Declaration on the Italian-Moldovan Strategic Partnership signed in Rome by the two Deputy Prime Ministers and Foreign Ministers Tajani and Popescu in September 2023 was followed by visits to Italy by the Moldovan Ministers of Defense, Justice, Labor, and Agriculture.

“Just this morning, Italian Customs International Relations Director Mazzella signed with Moldovan Customs Director Doaga a Letter of Intent that will facilitate the application of the new Moldovan Customs Code in trade relations not only with Italy, but with all EU member states,” said the ambassador.

Lorenzo Tomassoni noted that cooperation activities are intense and continuous.

“Among the many visual memories of the past twelve months that I cherish in my heart, I recall the long bipartisan applause to President Grosu of the Italian Parliament; Minister Bolea's participation in Vinitaly; the signing with UNDP Representative Daniela Gasparikova of the Technical Understanding on Energy Support to Moldova in the presence of Prime Minister Dorin Recean and Ministers Parlicov and Buzu; the first Italian cuisine event in Gagauzia in the framework of the Moldova Youth Forum organized in collaboration with IRI Director Lisek; the inauguration of UNHCR and UNICEF projects co-funded by Italy together with Resident Representatives Bonelli and Damaj; the awarding of Moldovan girls and boys together with Minister Perciun at the Don Bosco Center in Chisinau; the departure ceremony for Kosovo, in the presence of Minister Efros, of the first Moldovan Carabinieri deployed abroad with robust police duties together with the Italian Carabinieri; the delivery of Italian-funded materials to the Moldovan Border Police together with IOM Resident Representative Lonnback; the departure ceremonies, in the presence of Minister Nosatii, of Moldovan military personnel deployed in KFOR and UNIFIL who, together with their Italian colleagues, are helping to maintain international peace and security in the Middle East and the Balkans, with excellent results, in compliance with NATO operational standards,” said the Ambassador of the Italian Republic to the Republic of Moldova Lorenzo Tomassoni.

Italy’s National Day dates from June 2, 1946, when through a historic referendum, between Monarchy and Republic, the Italian people chose the Republic.