
Local councillors of Ciadar-Lunga accuses the leadership of Gagauzia of different violations


Local councillors of the town Ceadar-Lunga are concerned about the situation noted Gagauzia, in general, and in the town Ceadar-Lunga, especially. It is talked about, first of all, about the strangulation policy of democratic processes, started in 2002, once the actual leader was elected, Gheorghi Tabunscic, and that continues now as well, according to the statement of the town council. „The actions of the leadership of UTA Gagauz-Yieri, as well as of its alias of the county, defy the Constitution of the country and the European Charter, being accompanied by serious violations of the local principles of the power grave, of public services decentralisation, of freedom to practice the public functions. An all these take place when the actual government of Moldova stated as priority the integration in the European Union and concluded a joint action plan Moldova-EU,” it is mentioned in the statement. According to it, „current leadership of Moldova leaves aside everything happens in Gagauzia, preferring the position of passive observer, even on 4 October 2005, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe adopted the resolution nr. 1465 „On functioning of democratic institutions in Moldova”, on the basis of which RM has to adjust its legislation to the European Charter of Local and Regional Powers. In the same time, APCE was very concerned of the cases, with political aspect, directed towards the leaders of the opposition at national level, as well at local level”. Councillors of the town Ceadar-Lunga attention the representatives of the international bodies, diplomatic missions in Chisinau on the actions of the leadership of Gagauzia, mentioned in the report, which contravene to democratic laws and norms and compromise the way of Moldova towards Europe, and call on condemning the interference of regional powers into activity of local power bodies, the statements also mentioned. Previously the leader of the opposition movement „Gagauzia Unita”, Mihail Formuzal, who is the mayor of Ciadar-Lunga said repeatedly that the opposition of the region is suppressed. In the autumn of this year Formuzal was arrested, and later was released. He qualified these actions as being undertaken at political order of government and authorities of Gagauzia.