
Local broadcasters to engage in TB information campaign


For the first time, local broadcasters – 13 TV channels and four radio stations – will take part in the information campaign “Let's Stop Tuberculosis by Joint Efforts” that is held twice a year – in spring and in autumn, Info-Prim Neo reports. The information campaign is carried out by the Center of Health Research and Policy. It was launched in 2007 as part of the Strengthening Tuberculosis Control in Moldova Project, which is financed by the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. The Center's head Viorel Soltan said 52 TV programs, 10 radio programs and four short movies about tuberculosis will be broadcast during the campaign this year. There will be also broadcast videos about the symptoms of tuberculosis and the importance of seeing a doctor when experiencing the first symptoms. “We aim to inform the people about tuberculosis and how to prevent this disease. TB in Moldova is treated free of charge. The number of TB cases in our country has decreased during the last few years, but is till high,” Victor Soltan said. Victor Volovei, executive director for coordination, implementation and monitoring of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria's grants for Moldova, said tuberculosis cannot be combated without communication, information and education. The Global Fund has worked in Moldova since 2003. According to the Phtiziopneumology Institute, 5,000 new cases of TB were recorded in Moldova in 2008, while in 2009 – more than 4,500. About 1,500 persons are now receiving treatment. The World Tuberculosis Day is marked yearly on March 24.