
Local authorities will not be allocated grain from the State Reserve


Prime-Minister Vasile Tarlev encouraged public local authorities to seek ways of ensuring stocks of grain, and to not expect the Government to solve the problem, counting on the grains collected for the State Reserve. “Each local administration unit should establish internal reserves of grains in order to ensure the normal activity of enterprises”, suggested the Prime-Minister. “They were elected by the people, won the local elections and they should ensure activity and stability by making use of their power. In good times, they claim that they are victorious, in times of difficulty, they blame the Government, the President or the Parliament” added Vasile Tarlev. According to the Prime-Minister, the rules of the game need to be strictly defined: maximum of powers and responsibilities have to be granted. Moreover, he requested the Ministry of Local Public Administration to speed up the publication of a state guide regarding the separation of powers within the state structure, in order to ensure that all public local authorities know “what they are responsible for”. The vast majority of heads of districts elected so far are representatives of the opposition. Of the 29 heads of districts elected till July 11, 21 are representatives of the opposition and eight are members of the Communist Party. According to the information provided by the Central Election Commission, most heads of districts are members of the Alliance „Moldova Noastra” – 14, followed by 8 PCRM candidates, 3 members of the Democratic Party, 2 are members of the Centrist Union, and one each for the Christian Democrats and for the Social Democratic Party. The Floresti, Rezina and Rascani districts have not elected their representatives yet.