
Local authorities consider building shelter for vagrant dogs


The Chisinau Municipal Council will debate in one of its future sessions the issue of allotting a plot for building a dog pound, Info-Prim Neo learned from interim mayor Vasile Ursu, following protest actions of the “Avangarda” public association against euthanizing vagrant animals. Earlier, Vasile Ursu disputed the fact that municipal animal control services are euthanizing vagrant dogs, but recognized later that “someone is certainly killing them, given that last year vagrant dogs bit 2,000 persons in Chisinau municipality”. Interim mayor says that until the plot is allocated and the asylum is built, local authorities will continue to catch and sterilize vagabond dogs”. Ursu failed to say how many dogs have been sterilized this year, mentioning that only the specialized services within the City Hall have the information. The place where dogs are sterilized is sited in Ciorescu village, Chisinau suburbs. Ursu specified that the plot for construction of the dog shelter will be also placed outside the town. Ursu also mentioned that dog lovers will have the possibility to prove their affection for vagrant animals by helping to build the shelter, as well as for taking care of animals, for which local authorities do not have sufficient money. Vasile Ursu could not say how many vagabond dogs are roaming the city, specifying that “nobody counted them”, but estimated that their number could reach 20,000.