
List of jobs that enable to retire before time updated


The Cabinet agreed the updated list of jobs done in special conditions whose holders can retire earlier than other employees, IPN reports.

The list used until now was compiled at the start of the 1990s. Meanwhile, some of the jobs disappeared in connection with the technological progress or for other reasons.

The updated list includes 1,684 jobs from ten areas of activity. A number of 677 jobs are healthcare jobs that imply the use of ionized radiation or other dangerous activities, 426 are jobs done under the ground, 274 are chemical industry jobs, while 148 are jobs that involve the processing of metals. When the new list is applied, at most 100 persons will annually have the right to retire before time, in advantageous conditions.

The average pension of a person who worked in noxious or very difficult conditions and retired earlier is of 1,500 lei.