
Liberal Party welcomes re-establishment of the legality at Moldovan-Ukrainian frontier


The chairman of the Liberal party, Mihai Ghimbu, welcomed during Monday press conference, 13 March, re-establishment of constitutionality and legality at the Moldovan-Ukrainian frontier on Transnistrian sequence, by implementing the Joint Declaration of Prime Ministers of Moldova and Ukraine of 30 December 2005. He mentioned that, through these statements the Liberal Party does not prize the current government, as it is an opposition party, but considers that it has to be objective when positive things are done in state and citizens’ interest. Ghimpu said that legal implementation of this regime along the Moldovan-Ukrainian border, staring 3 March 2006, represents an important step in order to re-establish Moldova’s territorial integrity. „The insistences of regime of Tiraspol and government of Russian Federation, regarding previous customs regime are in fact an illegality, against the country’s Constitution, as this position shows, once again, undermining of the independence and territorial integrity, confirming the fact that it is at the basis of the illegal and anti-constitutional processes of Transnistrian region”. Ghimpu also considers that lately the mentality of the population of Transnistria changed a lot and the appeals of the unconstitutional regime of Tiraspol that blocking the roads could, definitely, to lead to revolts against the separatist authorities. This in the context when the insinuations of „ economic blockade” or „humanitarian catastrophe” are just attempts to manipulate the population, as free circulation, including goods, is ensured if the legislation of Moldova and import and export procedures made by the legal customs service are respected. Liberal Party does not exclude the possibility to make further pressures on Ukraine and Moldova by Russian Federation, but notes that national interests, as well as the joint objectives of European integration will be further above Russian’s interests.