
Legal entities can submit tax returns by March 27


The legal entities, regardless of the organizational form, are obliged to present tax returns for 2016 by March 27 this year. This also refers to individual enterprises and farmsteads, IPN reports, quoting Olga Golban, division head at the Main State Tax Inspectorate.

The functionary told a news conference that the State Tax Service extended the working program for March 22-24 of employees involved in the receipt of tax returns by two hours. Thus, the legal entities will be able to submit tax returns until 7pm. March 25, which falls on a Saturday, will be working day, until 5pm, while on March 26 the offices of the State tax Service will work until 1pm. March 27 is the last day when legal entities can present tax returns.

The deadline for submissions for private individuals is April 30. The State Tax Service decided that April 29 and 30, which fall on Saturday and Sunday, will be working days with a program between 8am and 5pm. This year May 2 will be the last day for presenting tax returns as May 1 is officially a nonworking day.

The private individuals can use the pre-completed statement service that helps them to easier fill out the tax returns.

Olga Golban said such incomes as the dividends, royalties and money earned from selling agricultural products will not be indicated in the tax returns as these are taxed at the source of payment.

A fine of 1,000 lei is imposed for not presenting tax returns, while the fine for the late presentation of tax returns is 200 lei. The inclusion of incorrect information in these carries a fine of 1,000 lei or of about 30% of the taxable income hidden by the taxpayer.

As many as 260,000 tax returns were presented last year. Of these, about 170,000 were submitted by private individuals.