
Lawmakers can be stimulated by law to enter polling booth, Marian Lupu


The bill saying the presidential elections should be declared null and void if at least 61 MPs do not take part in the voting, which was put forward by the Liberal Party, may be put to the vote between the first and the second rounds of voting, if the elections on November 18 fail, Acting President Marian Lupu said in the program “Public Life” on Radio Moldova, Info-Prim Neo reports. “If we manage to find a solution without this amendment and elect the head of state, this amendment will not be needed. If the first round on November 18 fails, we will have one month to organize the second round of voting and this period is enough for adopting this bill in first and second reading,” said Marian Lupu. The bill proposed by the Liberal Party last week suggests amending the law on the procedure for electing the President of Moldova. It was approved by the Parliament’s legal commission for appointments and immunities, without the votes of the Communist lawmakers. The bill cannot be passed before November 18 as the sittings of the legislature were postponed until then so as not to create conflict situations.