The name of the kind of activity “motor passenger transport” for which a license is required will be substituted by “transport activity”, based on the amendments to the Law on Regulation by Licensing proposed by the Ministry of Economy.
Thus, the given law will be adjusted to the notions of the Road Transport Code. The license form will include a new paragraph saying the ‘copy of the license’ will represent a nominal and non-transferable document of the licensed road transport operator issued to the vehicles used in road transport operations, by indicating the vehicle’s license number. The license for this kind of activity will be issued for a period of eight years.
Other amendments refer to the licensing of gaming activity. Sophisticated gaming equipment consisting of two or more machines started to be used over the last few years. The given equipment is certified by competent certification organizations as a whole or unit, even if it allows two-three or even more persons to have access to gaming machines. It is thus proposed substituting the word gaming ‘unit’ by ‘post’ so as to prevent the payment of the license tax for a gaming machine when there are actually several players.
It is also proposed excluding three kinds of activity from the list of kinds of licensed entrepreneurial activity, namely the activity of commodity exchanges, making and destruction of stamps, and storage of grains by issuing storage certificates for grains.