
Law on cart registration remains on paper


Though the law obliging the local public authorities to register the carts and cart owners to indicate the registration number on these vehicles took effect four months ago, it is not yet implemented. Contacted by IPN, officials from several districts said they weren’t informed about this obligation, but heard about it from the media.

Last December, Parliament decided that all the carts should be registered by the mayors, while the number must be painted white on the cart, using a standard model. The transportation by carts of objects that are by 0.5 meters longer and by 1.5 meters wider and higher than the vehicle is banned. The carts cannot travel on a modernized road if there is a rudimentary road nearby. However, there weren’t stipulated punishments for violating the given provisions.

Simion Gusanu, consultant in the agriculture mechanization section of the Agriculture Ministry, which drafted the bill, has told IPN that the institution does not have powers to collect information about the registration of carts. “Only the district executives can monitor the process and provide reports on the issue,” he stated. Nevertheless, the Ministry will issue a circular by which to inform the local authorities about the given legal provisions.

Asked by IPN, head of the National Participation Council Sergiu Ostaf said the problem concerning the implementation of laws in Moldova is difficult. In 30-40% of the cases, the laws are not put into practice. “We see that the law is not comprehensive. There are no mechanisms for enforcing it,” he stated.

He added that Parliament adopted a bill on the monitoring of legislation implementation, proposed by the Ministry of Justice. However, this law does not provide for the collection of data, but only for the analysis of the functionality of the laws. Thus, many of the passed laws remain on paper.