
Large projects financed with foreign funds projected in 2019 state budget


The implementation of a number of important projects to modernize the Republic of Moldova that are financed with foreign funds were planned in the 2019 state budget law, IPN reports, quoting the draft law.

Thus, 1.64 billion lei provided by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the European Investment Bank will go to support the Moldova Road Sector Program. The World Bank will finance the Moldova Local Roads Improvement Project with 150 million lei.

The World Bank will continue to support the Moldova Education Reform Project (152.1m lei) and the Agriculture Competitiveness Project (133.5m lei).

A sum of 148 million lei was earmarked for building the penitentiary in Chisinau, with financing from the Council of Europe Development Bank.

The project “Moldova’s Orchard” that is supported by the European Investment Bank with 73.7 million lei in 2019 will continue.

Among other projects financed with foreign funds that could be found in the 2019 state budget law are “Consolidation of Institutional Framework in Water Supply and Sanitation Sector” (70m lei), the UNDP-funded project “Improving Energy Efficiency in Public and Residential Buildings” (60m lei), and the building of the Vulcănești-400 kW Back-to-Back station and of the 400 kW Vulcănești-Chișinău overhead transmission lines (50m lei).

Costs of over 3.4 billion lei were projected in the 2019 draft state budget law for implementing projects financed with foreign funds.