
Landline telephone subscribers make up over one million


In the first half of 2019, the number of landline telephone subscribers decreased by 1.6% and amounted to 1.09 million. The total voice traffic constituted 616.2 million minutes, while revenue totaled 234.4 million lei, 17.7% lower compared to the same period of last year.

In a National Agency for Electronic Communications and Information Technology Regulation (ANRCETI) press release it is mentioned that the number of subscribers of the national operator "Moldtelecom" decreased by 1.5%, amounting to 975.1 thousand. The number of subscribers to alternative providers decreased by 1.8%, totaling 115.5 thousand.

Traffic to international networks decreased by 32%, while internal network traffic droped by 14% and traffic to mobile networks reduced by 8%. Consequently, the average monthly voice traffic per subscriber decreased by 11% and made up 146 minutes (two hours 26 minutes).

The average monthly income per subscriber was 35.5 lei.