
Lakes in Transnistria repopulated with carp, perch and other species


The ponds and lakes in the Transnistrian region last year were repopulated with carp, perch, bream, crucian carp and other species, 10.5 million fishes weighing about 25 tonnes overall, IPN reports.

The Transnistrian press reported that the authorities contributed to increasing the population of fish through the local ecological fund. About 14 tonnes of fishes were released into the Nistru and the Turunciuc channel.

With the support of public associations, almost eight tonnes of fishes were freed into the Cuchurgan accumulation lake. The company “Moldavskaya GRES” released almost 10 million larvae of different species of fish and 4,400 fishes into the same lake, including in order to offset the damage caused by its work.