
LADOM sees positive trend in CEC registering electoral observers


The League for Defense of Human Rights of Moldova (LADOM) sees a positive trend in the fact the CEC has registered its 1,645 electoral observers, ended the process of registering electoral contestants and set up the system of electoral bodies, Info-Prim Neo reports. LADOM presented a second report on observing the early parliamentary elections, on July 16, at a news conference. LADOM observers have also found shortcomings of the electoral race, signaling out a series of deviations from the practice and principles proper to a competitive election process. “The imperfection of the system of compiling and checking the voters lists, delaying their being posted and the lack of citizens' and observers' access to those lists do not contribute to strengthen the public trust in the accuracy of the electoral lists and create optimal conditions for multiple voting,” stated LADOM president Paul Strutzescu. LADOM observers have reported cases of using the administrative resources “what creates a trend of neglecting the electoral prohibitions; have signaled cases of aggressing campaigners and of intimidating voters; cases of pressure upon local functionaries to determine them to favor some electoral competitors to the detriment of others,” reads a press release drafted by LADOM. “Some representatives of the electoral participants display aggressive, indecent and unfair conduct, by using licentious and insulting speech,” Paul Strutzescu said referring to a statement of Communist leader Vladimir Voronin, who had expressed his desire to slip a rat into an opponent's slit. Disregarding the electoral legislation on the electoral posting represents the most frequent breach committed by all the electoral competitors. The electoral gifts are also present during this campaign, as well as the differentiated treatment of the electoral competitors on behalf of representatives of local public administrations, LADOM experts say . The NGO signals out that the electoral law does not stimulate political and civic activism in citizens regarding their exercise of the right to vote, and setting the vote date on a working day will reduce from the citizens' possibilities to vote, especially for the ones living on the Nistru's left bank or working abroad.