
LADOM: Moldovan convicts’ rights are not adequately respected


The way in which the rights of the prisoners in Moldova are respected is not in accordance with the international norms and needs to be essentially improved, jurists of the League for the Defense of Human Rights (LADOM) say. The illegal conviction, the lack of a fair remedy, the fabrication of evidence, abuses by the police, the non-provision of the necessary medical assistance are among the most frequent violations of convicts’ rights. The prisoners informed about these violations the jurists of the Center of Legal Assistance for Detainees, who pay visits to the Moldovan penitentiaries. Any person in detention or their relatives can inform the Center of Legal Assistance for Detainees through applications or direct appeals to LADOM. The Center provides free legal advice in oral and written forms. According to statistics, about 7,000 convicts are held in Moldova’s penitentiaries at present.