
Kroll report fell short of expectations, experts


The report by Kroll company concerning the theft committed at three Moldovan banks didn’t meet expectations, but some of its parts may have been removed. Statements on the issue were made in the talk show “Politics” on TV 7 channel, IPN reports.

Economic analyst Victor Ciobanu considers some of the pages of the report were not made public. “The fact that the name of only one person - Ilan Shor – is indicated there raises doubts. Judging by this report, the investigation focused on Shor’s companies, not on the situation in the banking system,” he stated.

Mariana Kalughin, who represents the Civic Platform “Dignity and Truth”, said it seems that the only question that Kroll was asked to elucidate is whether Ilan Short was involved in the theft committed at the three banks or not. “I would like to know what our authorities could do in this case and why they didn’t do it. It’s clear that the National Bank of Moldova and the National Anticorruption Center knew about these transactions with huge sums,” she stated.

Economic expert Victor Parlicov believes the Kroll report was published as a result of the pressure exerted by society and of last Sunday’s protest. “The fact that 40,000 people took to the streets and protested surely concerned the authorities. But society must not stop here. The publication of the Kroll report by Andrian Candu was a planned act aimed at enhancing the PDM’s image. It’s clear that Shor could not do something like this alone, without the involvement of high-ranking officials and of state institutions,” he said.

Economic expert Gheorghe Costandachi thinks at least two arrest warrants should have been issued until now. “There is enough evidence for Ilan Shor and the governor of the National Bank Dorin Dragutanu to be handcuffed. Afterward, there should be arrested representatives of the administration boards of the three banks. The investigations must be continued so as to identify the politicians involved in this large theft, for which they should have been jailed. But this didn’t happen because our state is captive and the state institutions work to promote the interests of a narrow group of people,” he stated.