Sofia, Amelia, Eva and David, Matthew or Mark remain the most popular first names in 2024. Boys with rare first names are Kosmos, Sherif or Eden, while for girls parents chose Zara, Anabel, Eusebia.
The Public Services Agency says in a reply to IPN that in the first 11 months of 2024 - 824 boys were named David, 604 - Matthew, 544 - Mark. On the list of popular surnames are also Damir, Daniel, Alexander, Maxim, Bogdan, Luca or Damian.
For girls the most popular first name is Sofia. In the first 11 months of 2024, 830 girls were named this. The top of popular first names among girls is completed by Amelia - 602 and Eva - 485. Other popular girls' names are Maria, Victoria, Daria, Anastasia, Alexandra, Mia or Emma.
Among the rarest boys' surnames are Harry, Ivrei, Dion, Bovar, Crinu, Habib, Gurie, Fabio, Josif or Atlas. According to ASP, 1,000 children in the country were given unique first names in 2024.
About 1800 girls were given unique first names. They are Teresa, Lenuta, Raiana, Speranta, Serghia, Liubava, Margo, Sultana, Lacramiooara (with two 'o's).
According to ASP, the most unusual names are usually given to children born abroad or in mixed marriages.