
Know candidates in your constituency! No. 32: Chisinau municipality


Constituency No. 32: Chisinau municipality consists of the suburban settlements Cricova, Vadul lui Vodă, Vatra, Bubuieci, Budești, Ciorescu, Colonița, Condrița, Cruzești, Ghidighici, Grătiești, Stăuceni and Tohatin. The electors there will vote at polling places No. 32/1-32/32. The candidate who wins the largest number of votes in a single-member constituency, regardless of the voter turnout, emerges victorious.

The list of candidates on the ballot is headed by the Democratic Party’s candidate Nina Costiuc, a jurist by profession. She was elected mayor of Budești in 1995. She also served as the mayor of this commune in 1980-1985. In 1999-2016, she formed part of Moldova’s delegation to the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe. She is the incumbent president of honor of the Congress of Local Authorities of Moldova. For the last two years, the candidate declared over 197,000 lei salary. She earned over 175,000 lei pension and almost 10,000 lei from selling or owning securities. Nina Costiuc owns parts of two lots of farmland and two cars.

The Party of Socialists’ candidate Svetlana Popa, a mathematician and a local public administration employee, is under No. 2. According to alege2019.md, the candidate works in the real estate sector and is currently the deputy head of the Socialist group on the Chisinau Municipal Council. Earlier she was a member of the Party of Communists. In 2004-2009, she was the head of the Communist group on the CMC and after the parliamentary elections of July 29, 2009, she became an MP. For the last two years, she and her husband declared over 129,000 lei revenues. As a municipal councilor, Svetlana Popa earned over 92,000 lei. She owns six lots of land, a house, an apartment, a garage, a car and other property.

The candidate of the electoral bloc ACUM Platform DA and PAS Mihail Popșoi, a specialist in international relations and public policies, is under No. 3. The 32-year-old candidate studies for his doctorate of political studies at the University of Milan. Mihail Popșoi is the vice president of the Party “Action and Solidarity”. Earlier, he worked as a political analyst at the U.S. Embassy in Moldova and as a project manager at the NATO Center in the Republic of Moldova. For the last two years, he and his wife declared almost 525,000 lei revenues. The candidate also received over 496,000 lei in doctoral scholarship. He owns a lot of land, a demolished house, other demolished buildings, two apartments and a car.

The fourth place on the ballot is taken by the president of the Liberal Party Dorin Chirtoacă, a jurist by profession. He served as a mayor of Chisinau municipality since 2007 until 2017. He graduated from the Law Faculty of the University of Bucharest and the Franco-Romanian Law College of European Studies of the Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne University. For the last two years, the candidate declared over 256,000 lei revenues. Dorin Chirtoacă owns a lot of land, other real estate and two cars.

The Shor Party’s candidate Sergiu Cebotari, a guard and security specialist, is under No. 5. The candidate manages SRL “Scorpion-Pro”. For the last two years, he declared 20,000 lei revenues. Sergiu Cebotari owns a car.

The sixth place on the ballot is occupied by the Party of Communists’ candidate Gheorghii Mocan, a welder by profession. He works as a welder at SRL “Mec-Macon”. For the last two years, the candidate and his wife declared  over 166,000 lei salary. He inherited a lot of land and gained over 5,000 lei from selling this. From other sources, the family earned over 8,000 lei. Gheorghii Mocan owns two lots of land and a house.

The IPN division “Know candidates in your constituency!” presents the candidates who compete in each single-member constituency in the order in which they were written on the ballot.