Kids from Nistru’s left bank will join camps in Chisinau, Edinet and Comrat
A hundred children from our country’s eastern districts will spend their vacation in summer camps in Chisinau, Edinet and Comrat. The first 40 went on Wednesday, June 20, to a camp in Chisinau, the Ministry of Education said in a press release.
Between June 25 and July 8, 20 kids from eastern districts will join a camp in Edinet, and between June 29 and July 8, another 40 kids will stay at a camp in Comrat.
The camp vouchers are paid the State Budget. Beneficiaries of these vouchers are children from vulnerable families, from boarding schools and winners of school contests or different national and internal competitions, mentioned Valentin Crudu, head of the Pre-School, Primary and General Secondary Education Department.
An exchange of visitors to summer camps, 100 from each side, has been agreed upon after recent discussions of experts in education from both banks of the Nistru.