
Justice reform strategy must be adopted by this yearend


The powers of the Supreme Council of Magistrates will be reviewed during the debates on the draft strategy for reforming the legal system, but it is not yet known if they will be extended or reduced. It is also to be decided if the Judicial Administration Department will remain a component part of the Ministry of Justice or will be transferred to the Supreme Council of Magistrates. These and other subjects were discussed in the meeting of the National Council for the Reform of the Law Enforcement Bodies that convened on September 5 to discuss the draft strategy for the first time, Info-Prim Neo reports. The Council’s head, Acting President Marian Lupu said the document does not give clear answers to a number of questions. “It is a long time yet until the document will be adopted and implemented, but its appearance marks the end of a period of segmentary, uncoordinated and often speculative measures and the switchover to a systemic and profound approach to the justice reform,” he said. ”The main advantage of this step should be a structural and qualitative change that would guarantee an independent, functional and accessible legal system. Only by building such a system, will we be able to strengthen the state of law and ensure equality before the law and to combat such phenomena as corruption, criminality and the violations of human rights,” said the acting head of state. According to Marian Lupu, the Council also discussed the role of the Center of Parliamentary Ombudspersons and other institutional aspects as well as how to set the number of prosecutors needed – per capita or according to the number of cases managed, and the role and place of the Prosecutor’s Office in the legal system. ”We now have a draft document and an active process of participation in finalizing it. I think it is a result for the justice reform in Moldova and a much clear prospect than several months ago,” said Marian Lupu. He requested the Government to include the draft strategy in the agenda of this week’s meeting for adoption. “The Government did what it managed to. Now it is the lawmakers’ turn to formulate proposals for improving the draft strategy. I’m sure the MPs of the ruling alliance will back it, but the opposition should also become involve as this document is important and should be adopted by consensus,” he stated. He also said that the strategy must be adopted by the end of this year. Also by this yearend, the Ministry of Justice will present the plan of action for implementing the strategy, which must be passed by Parliament by law.