The Ministry of Justice and the Norwegian Mission of Rule of Law Advisers to Moldova (NORLAM) will create an organizational model for penitentiaries. The issue was discussed in a meeting of Minister of Justice Vladimir Cebotari and NORLAM chief Siri Fjørtoft, IPN reports.
The organizational model will be implemented at the jails in Rusca and Goian at first. “There will be clearly identified the necessities and human resources and planned the optimization of processes and improvement of the activity, with bureaucracy reduction. More effort will be made to ensure communicative security and prepare the offenders for the return to community,” says a press release of the Ministry of Justice.
In the meeting, it was decided to continue the project implemented in September 2016 at Penitentiary No. 17 in Rezina, where persons jailed for life played parts in “Hamlet. Process” alongside professional actors.