
Justice, energy and corruption are among priorities of “People’s Will”, “Democracy at Home” and “Speranța-Nadejda”


The interconnection of Moldova’s energy system with Romania’s, corruption fighting and independence of justice are only some of the priorities stipulated in the electoral programs of the “People’s Will” Party, “Democracy at Home” Party and the Professionals’ Movement “Speranța-Nadejda”. In the electoral debate “Elections 2019: Please elect me MP because...”, which was the 103rd installment of the series “Developing political culture through public debates” staged by IPN News Agency, candidates of the three parties provided arguments why the people should vote for them.

Anatol Ursu, of the Party “Democracy at Home”, said their party identified two big problems faced by Moldova, which should be solved as swiftly as possible. Now Moldova is fully dependent on Russia from energy and economic viewpoints as it is supplied with natural gas only by the Russian Federation through the agency of intermediaries in the Transnistrian region, and this is the most pressing problem.

“As regards electrical energy, there are projects and possibilities to interconnect the Republic of Moldova to the Romanian energy system. I refer to the Iasi-Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline and to the Isaccea-Vulcănești power line. Measures started to be taken, but these bother particular MPs, particular representatives of the power in Moldova for whom the connection to the gas and powers systems of Romania would mean removal of the intermediaries,” stated the candidate who runs in the national constituency.

Anatol Ursu promised that when “Democracy at Home” enters Parliament, it would assume the role of rapporteur before the people for the Iasi-Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline and the power interconnection project to be finished. Another problem is related to payments, especially the social ones. “We will do our best for those who now hold Romanian nationality to benefit from social payments adjusted to the system of payments of Romania. This means pensions and allowances for war veterans, including those who took part in the Nistru war,” stated the candidate.

He also said that the political union between Moldova and Romania can be ensured either by referendum in both of the states or by votes in Parliament. “But the union can be achieved only if the territory is prepared pragmatically. Today we realize that we cannot liquidate the nine customs posts and say that we united. The preparation of the territory means interconnection of the system of payments, energy interconnection, adaptation of the financial and banking systems and their adjustment to Romania’s so that we have the votes of the Parliaments in Chisinau and Bucharest at the opportune moment and the desired union is made,” noted Anatol Ursu.

Andrei Donică, of the Professionals’ Movement “Speranța-Nadejda”, said the Movement’s only goal is to stop the genocide in Moldova. For the purpose, all the pensioners, invalids, children younger than 18 should get pensions and allowances equal at least to the minimum subsistence level. Also, the students should receive scholarships equal to  the minimum subsistence level of 2,072 lei. “We do not promise 3,000 lei, 5,000 lei or a round figure of €500, for example, but we promise to raise these to the minimum consumer basket. For the purpose, we should stop two things: corruption and economic crimes,” he stated.

According to the candidate, corruption can be stopped during a year only if capital punishment for acts of corruption is introduced. As to the economic crimes, the Election Code should be amended so that these are punished not only with 7.5 years, as it happened in the case of some of those who robbed banks, but with up to 101 years. The convicted persons who took the money to offshore areas could be offered to have their jail terms reduced from 101 to 11 years if they brought back all the money to the economy,” he said.

The candidate of the Professionals’ Movement “Speranța-Nadejda” noted that this way money will be available for stopping the genocide and for raising the allowances for pensioners, invalids, students and children to the minimum subsistence level and decent living conditions could be ensured later. Decent living today means 3,690 lei, which is 60% of the average official salary.

Teodor Cârnaț, of the “People’s Will” Party, said the party’s program provides that legislation to prevent companies from working in offshore areas or to make this work more difficult will be implemented in Moldova. The problems derive from the rule of law notion. “We will have a sustainable or competitive economy only when the law dominates in the Republic of Moldova. Also, we will travel freely only when we have non-politicized institutions. We will have an independent Parliament, Government and justice system if each of these apply the Constitution. Currently, we see that the principle of equality before the law and before the public authorities in the Republic of Moldova is implemented selectively, as is the principle of financing of parties and local authorities implemented. If you form part of a particular party, you receive financing. If not, you should be sure that the mayor in the next elections will know what party to join,” he stated.

Teodor Cârnaț noted the “People’s Will” Party wants the people’s ideas to be reflected in the legislation. To ensure the independence of justice, the party considers confidence in justice should be raised to the level of 80-90%, at least to over 50%, but not 4-5% as now. “We suggest returning to the justice of judicial assessors when representatives of civil society attend trials when particular decisions are passed. We also propose that the prosecutor general or the president of the Supreme Court of Justice should not be chosen by the Superior Council of Prosecutors and the Superior Council of Magistracy, but by the General Assembly of Judges that includes over 500 judges, while the prosecutor by the over 800 prosecutors. This way we will see the real face of the prosecutor general and the president of the Supreme Court of Justice,” he said.

The candidate also said the party considers the press should be financed with money from the state budget, as the parties are, as the press serves the people, but on condition that this obeys the Journalist’s Deontological Code and the presented information is objective and impartial. The “People’s Will” Party will fight against the National Integrity Authority in its current composition as integrity certificates were issued to persons who didn’t deserve to get them.

The Party of Regions was also invited to the February 4 debate, but this delegated no representative to take part in this.

The contestants are invited to the electoral debates held by IPN Agency in accordance with the order in which they were registered by the Central Election Commission. The debate on January 30 involved representatives of the electoral bloc ACUM, the Party of Communists and the Party of Socialists. The Democratic Party didn’t respond to the invitation to attend the debate. Representatives of the Shor Party, the People’s Movement Antimafie, the Our Party and the National Liberal Party took part in the January 31 debate.

Candidates of the Ecologist Green Party and the Liberal Party are to attend the debate scheduled for February 5.

The series of debates “Elections 2019: Please elect me MP because...”, forms part of the series of public debates held by IPN News Agency as part of the project “Developing political culture through public debates” that is supported by the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany.