
Jurist suggests PSRM and Bloc ACUM should sign cooperation contract


The Party of Socialists’ jurist Fadei Nagacevski said that to overcome the problems related to mutual distrust invoked by the PSRM and the Bloc ACUM, the sides should sign a cooperation contract. According to him, this contract should describe all the actions that the sides need to take, IPN reports.

In the program “Emphasis on today” on TVR Moldova channel, the jurist said neither the PSRM has enough confidence in the bloc ACUM. “This should not be necessarily called an alliance contract. This can be a cooperation contract that will thoroughly describe all the actions, both quantitatively and qualitatively, for each three months and what should be done,” stated Fadei Nagacevski.

According to him, if one of the sides breaks the contract, the people’s vote will intervene. There are now only several variants – snap elections, heated discussions in the media or pushing of the Democratic Party to the opposition.

MP of the Bloc ACUM Dumitru Alaiba said there were a number of commitments and alliance agreements that were violated. “We do not believe in signed contracts as all kinds of agreements were signed in 2015, 2016, 2017. Mister Dodon, who was running for President, signed a statement, promising he will no way cooperate with Mister Plahotniuc. We believe not in signed contracts, but in actions that confirm the intention and the fact that we look at the situation in our country similarly and aim to fight corruption,” noted the MP.

Editorialist Nicolae Negru said he skeptically regards the idea of a cooperation contact. The formal promises in politics look funny. “The oaths do not help in politics. I think that if they have what to discuss, they should sit at the negotiating table. If the negotiations fail, it will be logical for the PSRM to invite the PDM to discussions or vice versa,” stated the journalist.

The Political Council of the Bloc ACUM will meet on April 16 to examine the Party of Socialists’ proposal to form a “parliamentary majority” with a functional government and to take a decision about the subsequent steps.