
July 15 is Romanian Postage Stamp Day


The first postage stamps were printed in Moldova in 1848 – the famous “Bull Head” whose first issue consisted of four stamps. This postage stamp was put into circulation on July 15, 1858 in Moldova and had a nominal value of 27 parales, the National Library has said in connection with the Romanian Postage Stamp Day that is celebrated on July 15, IPN reports.

In the world of collectors, the value of such a post stamp is equal to the value of two apartments in central Bucharest even if the price included in the official catalogue does not exceed 800 million old lei.

The first series of postage stamps in the Romanian space consisted of four values: 27, 54, 81 and 108 parales. The print run was small: 6, 000 pieces of 27 parales, 10,000 – of 54 parales, 2,000 – of 81 parallels and 6,000 – of 108 parales. The paper was special, of foreign make, and had different thickness, structure and color. The Arabic yellow-brown gum was used as adhesive. This was applied by hand in unequal and nonuniform layers.

The postage stamp in Moldova was a big revolution in the organized communication system (post) and also a gesture of political Fronde against the Ottoman suzerainty, which didn’t allow in the Romanian Countries institutional or economic autonomy, such as own coins, symbols or flag.