
J.S. Bach Festival brings together artists from five states to Chisinau


Famous artists from Hungary, Russia, Romania, Ukraine and Moldova will perform in the fifth International Festival Johann Sebastian Bach that will be hosted by the Organ Hall between March 27 and April 3. The event includes four concerts and is held in the period when the whole musical community celebrates the 330th anniversary of the birth of the great Bach, who was born on March 21, 1685, IPN reports.

Organ Hall director general Larisa Zubcu told a news conference that the festival opens with a recital by the famous Hungarian organist Janos Palur. He will play works by J.S. Bach and the work for choir and two organs Messe Solennelle by the well-known French organist and composer Louis Vierne, which will be played in Chisinau for the first time. The second recital on March 29 will be given by young Russian pianist Eduard Kunz, who was placed by BBC Music Magazine among the top ten 10 pianists of tomorrow.

On March 31, Zoli Toth Project of Romania will present an unusual performance entitled “Bach in ShowBiz”, which is considered the newest and most innovative fusion performance over the Prut. It combines classical music with pop, rock or Romanian folk amid 3D projections.

The festival ends on April 3 with the masterpiece of Bach’s instrumental works – Brandenburg Concertos. For the first time in Chisinau, all the six concertos will be played during one evening, by the National Chamber Orchestra conducted by Master Cristian Florea. The performance will include soloists from Ukraine and musicians from Moldova.

The president of the Cultural Foundation “J.S. Bach” Sanda Filat, who is the co-organizer of the event, said that even if the year that passed was a difficult one, they managed to organize this festival and she is confident that it will be continued. “We increase the quality and fame of the festival and bring a cultural event that is awaited and already well-known,” she stated.

Tickets to the concerts within the festival are available from the box offices of the Organ Hall and online on www.iticket.md.  Prices vary between 50 to 100 lei for the performances of March 27 and 29 and of April 3 and between 50 to 150 lei for the March 31 performance.