
Journalists Union of Moldova joins Romania’s largest specialised organisation


The Journalists Union of Moldova (UJM) has become an associate member of the Romanian MediaSind Trade Union. According to the Agreement, the affiliation is established in order to protect the rights, interests and liberties of the members it represents in agreement with the domestic laws, accords, treaties and conventions which Romania and Moldova are parties to, and with the collective labour agreements. The goal of the agreement is to institutionalise the affiliation between MediaSind and UJM, with a view to cooperating, coordinating and synchronising activities related to defending professional, financial and other rights and interests of the members of the signatories, experience sharing, defending and promoting professional standards. UJM president Valeriu Saharneanu told Info-Prim Neo that the affiliation aims at founding a genuine media trade union. MediaSind is the strongest and the largest organisation of Romanian journalists. Under the new circumstances, the journalists in Moldova, who are members of the UJM, will enjoy the same retirement schemes and all that the EU can offer to the members of an organisation. The membership cards will be standard EU ones and that will allow the members of the UJM to attend all the events from the EU and the USA. As a result of the affiliation, the UJM members will enjoy a range of other facilities, Saharneanu said. The UJM will adopt at its upcoming congress the title of “Journalists Union MediaSind Moldova”.