
Journalists of 2013 have been named


Ten journalists received the awards that are desired by practically everyone in this guild. The best journalists from the print media, radio, TV and online media were awarded on December 19. The organizers also offered four special prizes and reminded about the intimidation of the mass media by politicians and public servants, IPN reports.

The awards have been conferred for 19 years in a row by the Chisinau Press Club, the Independent Journalism Center and the Press Freedom Committee.

The awarded journalists are: Mariana Rata (“Ziarul National”), Iurie Sanduta (“Ziarul de Garda”), Marina Bzovaia (Balti newspaper “SP”), Alla Ceapai (Radio Free Europe), Anastasia Nani (paper “Adevarul Moldova”), Eugen Sholari, (kommersant.md), Lilia Zaharia (special reporter of the Association of Independent Press), Igor Vrabie (Unimedia photo-reporter), Sorina Obreja (PRO TV), and Cristina Bruma (paper “Evenimentul Zilei”).

The prize for promoting freedom of expression was offered to the Tiraspol paper “Man and his Rights”, editor Nicolai Bucheatski. The Hope of the Year prize went to Ina Landa (paper “Expresul”) and Tamara Grejdeanu (Radio Free Europe). The prize for debate of a high quality was conferred on the program “Politica” of TV7 channel. The prize for covering the Transnistrian issue was given to Oxana Greadcenco (portal moldova.org).

The ten journalists of the year were selected by a contest of journalistic materials and based on suggestions made by civil society. The annual Press Club Gala was held with the financial support of the Dutch organization Free Press Unlimited and the OSCE Mission to Moldova.