
Job of restorer on display at monumental exhibition


The recently restored heritage of the National Museum of Arts of Moldova is presented in a temporary exhibition that is open to the public until July 31. These are works that are hundreds of years old and are valuable both to experts in the field and to the public eager to know about the job of restorer, IPN reports.

The authors aim to attract people who want to learn about the restoration process. “We mount such exhibitions not so often either because we do not inquire about the conservation or restoration process or because we overlook this or we do not pay special attention to the work of restorers. But we thought that it is the opportune moment to stage such an exhibition here, near restoration workshops. It is known that the National Museum of Arts of Moldova has the best restorers,” said the Museum’s director general Tudor Zbârnea.

Maria Dragnev, museographer at the National Museum of Arts, said the work of restorers is underestimated. Not many know that the work of restorers is more difficult than the work of the artist. “A restorer may need several years to restore several parts of a work. In the exhibition, we can see well the state before and after restoration. The exhibition opened now is interesting both to adults and to children. Each of the restored works is accompanied by explanations about how the work of art was reconstructed from small pieces,” stated the museographer.

“In this exhibition, you see only a small part of our contribution to the collection of paintings, graphic works, sculptures and decorative art works. I will not go into details to say how interesting and captivating, but also very hard is to make a vase from pieces, to bring together an etching of the 17th century, to collect small pieces of a painting and put them in their place, to remove the dirt and old oil and to restore a valuable icon, for example,” head of the Restoration Section Elena Grigorashenko stated for IPN.

The exhibition presents the cultural heritage restored by seven restorers of the Museum. It was mounted in connection with the International Museum Day.