
Japan's ambassador spoke to FRIȘPA students about democracy


The Republic of Moldova and Japan share the same fundamental values, which is why the Japanese authorities support Moldova. Japan is interested in the sustainable economic development of the Republic of Moldova and in improving the quality of life of Moldovan citizens. The Japanese ambassador to the Republic of Moldova, Masanobu Yoshii, spoke at a public conference on diplomacy attended by students of the Department of International Relations and Political and Administrative Sciences of the State University of Moldova, IPN reports.

The ambassador argues that the sustainable economic development of a country and the improvement of the quality of life of citizens help to develop and strengthen democracy. For the Republic of Moldova, Japan is the third donor after the US and the EU, because it wants the country to reach the highest level of development.

Masanobu Yoshii has mentioned that Japan does not have many natural resources, its main wealth being human resources. Although it has reached a high level of development, it depends on many countries, especially in terms of trade. "There must be good relations with all countries in the world. Through these good relations, we were able to develop our country,” the Japanese diplomat said. The ambassador has also mentioned that Japan has a security treaty with the US, which is why relations with the American continent are very special to the Land of the Rising Sun. While China, which is growing stronger every year, is Japan's largest trading partner, although it should pay more attention to principles of respecting international relations and have a more transparent policy.

In Masanobu Yoshii's opinion, peace is important for the development of a state, for the well-being of the citizens. For a country to become developed, there should be democracy and international rights must be respected. Japan will continue to have diplomatic relations with a number of countries to promote core values.