
Iurie Leanca: We haven’t yet decided whether to vote for censure motion or not


The three unaffiliated MPs haven’t yet decided whether to support the censure motion put forward by the Socialist and Communist MPs or not, the chairman of the European People’s Party (PPEM) Iurie Leanca said in the program “Pahomi” on Realitatea TV channel in the evening of October 27, IPN reports.

“We are still analyzing things. We have all the reasons not to support this Government, which contributed to the destabilization of the situation in the country. It will be soon 100 days of its investiture, but they haven’t yet adopted an anti-crisis strategy. Instead, they stage briefings, PR activities and trips abroad. The risk that a coalition of the left will be formed is the only reason that makes us think. We will decide tomorrow (September 28, e.n.) within the party,” stated the former Premier.

Iurie Leanca said he would accept to form part of the government coalition only after its re-formation. “The PPEM cannot form a coalition only with the PL and PDM. We will not have a majority of votes in Parliament. But I know that there are very honest persons in the PLDM. It’s not a secret that we have discussions with many of them over their joining of the PPEM. I call on them again. A serious re-formation of the ruling pro-European alliance is needed,” he stated.

Asked if he would accept the post of Prime Minister, Iurie Leanca said it depends on what happens in Parliament on October 29 and how the government coalition is re-formed.