
Iulian Rusu resigns as NAC director


Iulian Rusu vacated the post of director of the National Anticorruption Center (NAC), Parliament Speaker Igor Grosu announced.

“I took note of the resignation from the post of NAC director tendered by Iulian Rusu, which I received today. I thank Mister Rusu for his effort,” stated the Speaker.

According to him, a candidate for NAC director will be proposed soon. “The expectations of Parliament and the whole society of the NAC are very clear – to increase the speed at which acts of corruption are investigated, to stop the illegal financial flows, to ensure the institution’s integrity by reforming the National Anticorruption Center and to clear the institution of noxious practices and persons,” noted Igor Grosu.

Iulian Rusu was named NAC director by Parliament in February 2022. He was to serve a five-year term.

It was earlier reported that there were dissensions between the NAC and the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office. In the middle of September, Iulian Rusu said the disagreements were overcome and the relations between the two institutions were restored. In about a week, the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office announced that it took legal action over the illegal actions of NAC employees responsible for the collection, analysis and provision of information to the Pre-Vetting Commission about the candidate for member of the Superior Council of Magistracy Iulian Muntean.