
Iulian Chifu: Filat’s arrest should be followed by arrests of persons from other parties


Vlad Filat’s arrest should be followed by other arrests. Only this way will the doubts about political revenge be dissipated, Iulian Chifu, former presidential adviser on strategic affairs, security and foreign policy during the tenure of President Traian Basescu, said in the program “European horizon” on TVR Moldova channel, IPN reports.

“There are doubts as to whether the arrest of former Prime Minister Vlad Filat is a settling of accounts between oligarchs and a direct attack on the pro-European parties or an anticorruption action. It’s true that if he committed the crime, he must answer for this. But the politicians from other parties of Moldova should also answer. Moreover, there are many cases that were forgotten. They forgot about Vladimir Voronin and his son with the card with millions on it, about Renato Usatyi who used money from abroad in his election campaign, about the former minister of economy and current leader of the PSRM Igor Dodon. The greatest harm by Filat’s arrest was done to Plahotniuc. Now society’s attention will be directed at him. If the clod crusher set out, it will crush Plahotniuc too,” stated Iulian Chifu.

The former adviser to the President of Romania believes that Filat was arrested by violating a number of procedural rules. “As regards the procedure, I think this case will be lost at the ECHR. There is the right to defense, a procedure and these weren’t respected in the case of Filat,” he said.

As to the situation in Chisinau, Iulian Chifu said it is a difficult one. “This alliance was at the limit as it had 51 seats of MP of 101. Now that Fiat was arrested, the ruling alliance remained without an MP. In such conditions, they will have to cooperate with the MPs of Iurie Leanca’s group,” he stated.

Iulian Chifu considers it will be hard to change the European course of Moldova. “Let’s imagine that they will change the pro-European course. But how will they explain this thing to society? The whole society is for eradicating corruption. This objective is rather unachievable if an alliance is formed with Russia,” he said.