It is important that head of state be elected, Dirk Schuebel
For Moldova at this stage, it is important that a head of state be elected so as to avoid the early elections, the Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova Dirk Schuebel said in an interview for the portal
“I believe that new early elections are not beneficial for the country at this moment as they will inevitably lead to the stopping of the reform process. The wish to implement reforms is weaker in the pre-electoral period. It is better to avoid early elections and find a solution to the presidential issue in the elections set for December 16,” said the European diplomat.
At the request of the portal, Dirk Schuebel referred again to Zinaida Greceanyi as a possible candidate for the presidency. “My statements were interpreted incorrectly. In an interview on another subject, the newspaper asked me if Zinaida Greceanyi may be a good head of state for this country. My answer was that we know Missis Greceanyi very well in Brussels, since the time she was Prime Minister of Moldova, and at that time we cooperate rather well. That’s why I think that if the Moldovans elect her, she won’t be a bad candidate. This is what I said and I maintain this. I don’t know if she will be a candidate. I know that Mister Lupu is the alliance’s candidate. The most important thing is to elect the head of state so as to avoid the early parliamentary elections,” he said.
Dirk Schuebel pleaded for the involvement of the opposition in identifying a solution to the political crisis. “The European Union and I, personally, as the EU’s representative in Moldova, have always asked that the opposition be involved in the country’s affairs. In crisis situations, it is important to have the opposition’s support. However, the opposition must also contribute. It is also very important that the current opposition – the Communist Party – provide support in the European integration process,” he stated.
“We anyway have great trust in our partner Moldova and believe that it is possible to come closer to the EU. The best encouragement is that the 27 EU member states were unanimously in favor of launching the talks on the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement with Moldova this year, as it was promised at the Eastern Partnership Summit. When the talks are over, our relationship will be at another level that I would call ‘mature partnership”, said the Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova.