
IPN Yesterday in brief, for 3 September 2019


The Romanian gymnasiums from Corjova and Roghi, Dubasari district, were prevented from playing the national anthem and from displaying the flag of the Republic of Moldova at the opening of the new school year. Svetlana Krasheninnikova, the Corjova Gymnasium director, told IPN that, despite the ban, the students present at the back-to-school event played the state anthem of the Republic of Moldova. "The students held the flags of the Republic of Moldova", said the director. A similar situation at the Roghi Gymnasium was confirmed for IPN by the director of the institution, Marina Tîrbu. "Before the start of the new school year, a separatist representative warned that the anthem singing and flag of the Republic of Moldova display should not occur at the back-to-school festivities. Otherwise, we were threatened that the entire event would be cancelled", said Mariana Tîrbu.

Russia has been convicted in six cases by the ECHR from the Transnistrian region for violating human rights. The ECHR found that Russia violated Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights, regarding inhuman and degrading conditions of detention, Article 5, on the right to liberty and security, Article 6, on the right to a fair trial, Article 13, regarding the right to an effective remedy and Article 2 of Protocol No. 4, regarding freedom of movement.
The High Court ruled on payment of moral damages in the amount of 121 550 euros to the individuals whose human rights have been violated and of legal representation costs and charges in the amount of 9000 euros.

Present at the ceremony held on the occasion of the 28th anniversary of the National Army, Igor Dodon, the President of the Republic of Moldova and Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, said that "the army is the indispensable attribute of the country's independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity". "Founded along with the state of the Republic of Moldova, the National Army symbolizes courage and power, patriotism and sacrifice, honour and truth, while also guaranteeing national and regional peace and security." "By contributing to ensuring order and peace in different corners of the world, not only do you help the local population in these countries, but honourably place the Republic of Moldova among the states that condemn war, interethnic hatred and discrimination," the head of state specified.

There are certain actions to be taken in order to declare null and void the contract on the concession of Chisinau International Airport. According to him, first of all, there must be good cooperation between state institutions. The Prosecutor's Office must set up a group of prosecutors to identify the frauds committed during the preparation of the contract and during the concession of the airport. "We have identified several offences, such as falsification of public documents, abuse of power or abuse in office in the interest of an organized criminal group. This refers also to those who, possibly, promoted certain interests at the stage of contract preparation,” says the MP of ACUM Bloc.

"The created situation is analysed at the Ministry of Justice. A commission analyses all the provisions of this contract that was negotiated and signed to the detriment of the Republic of Moldova. We are looking for provisions that would allow the initiation of a procedure for either cancelling or terminating the contract”, reiterates his party colleague Sergiu Litvinenco.

The privatization of the company "Air Moldova" was an inefficient, non-transparent and illegal exercise, as the goals of the privatization have not been achieved. MP Igor Munteanu, chairman of the Inquiry Committee on the privatization and concession of public property concluded that based on the analysed documents, the authorities that initiated the privatization of Air Moldova did not make any efforts to monitor the compliance with the post-privatization obligations. “One year after the privatization, the national air operator is in the same state of economic uncertainty as before privatization. The Public Property Agency was obligated to coordinate the appointment of an auditor to determine its financial situation for 2018. This did not happen,” said the MP.

The unpleasant odour in Chisinau is caused by some non-domestic consumers who discharge directly into the Wastewater Treatment Plant wastewaters with concentrations above the allowed ones, informs "Apa-Canal Chisinau. The General Prosecutor's Office has been notified ex officio about the unpleasant odour that persists in Chisinau and the pollution of the Bâc river, and ordered the initiation of two criminal proceedings. During the investigations, the prosecutors will also request the opinions of state control bodies, so that they can state their opinions, within the limits of their competence, on the existence of the violation of legislation in the field and the damage caused by the violation.

The Public Association "Center for Initiatives and Monitoring of Public Authorities" will send a request to the Parliament, the government and the Superior Council of Magistrates, asking them to sign a "justice pact for the Republic of Moldova". "Justice reform needs long-term political support. The crisis in the Moldovan justice system is caused exclusively by the political class that ruled over the course of the last 20 years”, said Ion Dron, the chairman of the association.

After many days of scorching heat, today 17-22 degrees Celsius are expected. In the coming days temperatures will slightly rise to 22-27 degrees. By September 10, temperatures will rise again to 25-30 degrees Celsius, meteorologists say.

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