
IPN NEWS IN BRIEF: Eurointegration news of November 20-26, 2017


IPN on November 20 published an OP-ED article entitled “What do Eastern Partnership and Moldova go with to Brussels summit”, which was written by political pundit Dionis Cenusa. According to the author, the consolidation of the Eastern Partnership is a safe way of Europeanizing Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia and also, to a lesser extent for now, Armenia, Belarus and Azerbaijan. In the near future, the EU cannot offer something better than this. Read more…


The Republic of Moldova and the European Union signed the package of documents on the provision of €100 million in macro-financial assistance in Brussels on November 23. Of this sum, €40 million will be allocated in the form of grants, while €60 million as a loan. The set of documents will be remitted to Parliament for ratification. Meanwhile, efforts are being made to meet the conditions for receiving the first tranche. Read more…


The EU budget support for implementing four assessed programs will be allocated to the Republic of Moldova by the end of this year, European Commissioner for Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn announced in a meeting with Prime Minister Pavel Filip. The Premier appreciated the constant dialogue between Moldova and the EU member states, noting that a number of bilateral meetings were held during the past two months. Read more…


The geopolitical message will play an important role in the upcoming parliamentary elections that will take place in 2018, President Igor Dodon stated in a special edition of a program on NTV Moldova channel. President Dodon said the people know which parties promote the pro-European values, which are pro-Russia and which are pro-Moldova and this aspect will play an important role in the future elections. Read more…


For the European Union and for Lithuania what happens in the Republic of Moldova counts, but it is very important for the Republic of Moldova to fulfill its commitments, the Head of the Ukraine and Moldova Division at the Eastern Neighborhood Policy Department of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Asta Andrijauskiene stated in an interview for a group of Moldovan journalists a Vilnius. Read more…


To benefit from European assistance and financial support, the states that aspire to a European future should meet a number of conditions, Ambassador at Large at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania Marijus Gudynas said during a discussion with a group of Moldovan journalists in Vilnius. He noted that Lithuania offers Moldova assistance and is ready to continue to provide support on the path of coming closer to the European Union. It is very important for the authorities to take practical steps and not to stop at statements. Read more…


The joint commission for European integration between the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova and the Parliament of Romania held its sixth meeting in Bucharest. The economic panel discussions centered on the interconnection of the natural gas, electric power, road transport, railway and air transport systems between Moldova and Romania, exchange of experience in adjusting the national legislation to the EU’s and Moldova’s participation. The foreign policy and security panel discussed Moldova’s efforts to adjust its legislation to the Community acquis, transfer of expertise in cyber-security, fighting of organized crime and terrorism. Read more…


The residents of Copceac village of Ceadir-Lunga district have access to a modern wastewater treatment plant and a new sewerage system. With the financial assistance provided by several development partners, a segment of 2,000 meters of old and 3,400 meters of new sewerage systems were built in Copceac village together with a bio-type waste water treatment station with a capacity of 98 m³ a day and a pump station for waste water. The total cost of the project is of nearly €600,000, out of which €70,000 is the assistance provided by the European Union. Read more…


The European Third Energy Package was transposed to the primary legislation of the Republic of Moldova by the Law on Electric Power, the Law on Natural Gas and the Law on Energy. As regards the implementation, the Government and the National Agency for Energy Regulation (NAER) committed themselves to taking a number of actions to implement these laws by transposing them to the secondary legislation. The commitments are mainly stipulated in the NAER’s regulation program for 2016-2018 and the national plan for implementing the Association Agreement with the EU. Read more…


In an Op-Ed article entitled “Eastern “fish” and European “rod” for Gagauzia”, politologist Veaceslav Craciun says we cannot expect the way in which the EU provides assistance to have a quick effect and to suddenly change the state of spirit of the residents of Gagauzia. The European Union acts according to another model: besides the social component, major assistance is provided for developing the business climate and stimulating civic initiative. Read more…


The public association “European Social-Politic Center” intends to launch a nationwide project aimed at consolidating society and mobilizing resources for ensuring Moldova’s integration into the European Union. The Center’s activities center on the communication of the advantages of Moldova’s integration into the EU. Read more…


The agreement on the functioning of the Nistrean hydroelectric complex is negotiated in concert with other problems from the bilateral Moldovan-Ukrainian agenda. Moldova’s civil society requests the authorities to give up such an approach. The draft agreement deliberately ignores the provisions on environment of the EU- Moldova and EU - Ukraine Association Agreements, especially four Directives. Read more…


Moldova’s civil society has made a call concerning the negotiation of the agreement on the functioning of the Nistrean (Dnestrovsk) hydroelectric complex and its impact on the basin of the Nistru River. Experts noted it is hard to understand why Moldova and Ukraine elude the EU environment protection mechanisms after formally committing themselves to modernize, reform and integrate the states into the European legal and economic area and the EU’s system of values. Read more…


The Statement of the sixth meeting of the Commission for European Integration between the Parliament of Romania and the Parliament of Moldova underlines the necessity of devoting special attention to the implementation of the Association Agreement/Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement given the positive contribution of these agreements to the commercial and economic relations between the European Union and the Republic of Moldova and to the facilitation of the structural reforms and enhancement of attractiveness of the business community. Read more…


The risk of transmitting the avian flu to domestic fowl and other birds kept in captivity from wild birds will be limited in the way stipulated in the amendments approved by the Government to its previous decision on avian influenza surveillance, control and combating. By these changes, Moldova adjusts itself to the European directives in this regard. This will facilitate the commercial exchanges with eggs and poultry to the EU member states. Moldova hopes it will be authorized to export these products to the EU in the nearest future. Read more…


The Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova Peter Michalko considers each summit is an occasion for reflection and evaluations as to what was done in the past and for making plans and setting new objectives for the coming years. According to the official, for the EU it is important to cooperate with all the partners from the neighboring states, the Eastern Partnership. Such statements were made in an interview for Radio Free Europe before the fifth high-level meeting of the Eastern Partnership that starts in Brussels on November 24. Read more…


The future municipal sustainable transport development concept should lay emphasis on the easing of traffic, reduction in air pollution level and urban mobility. The suggestions were formulated in public consultations on the requirements for drawing up the transport development concept. All the cities in the EU work out sustainable transport strategies depending on urban mobility and the interests of citizens. Given that the Republic of Moldova aims to integrate into the EU, it would be normal to implement the EU practices and legislation. Read more…


The law on public procurement adopted in 2015 has been amended five times already. Three new legislative initiatives to adjust the legal framework on public procurement, which were registered in Parliament, run counter to provisions of the Moldova - EU Association Agreement that was signed in 2014. The findings are contained in an analysis that was conducted by the Institute for European Politics and Reforms (IRPE) and was presented in public debates. Read more…


Representatives of civil society and of law enforcement agencies during 16 days aim to carry out a series of activities nationwide to inform and sensitize society to the problem of gender violence in the Republic of Moldova and to the gravity of the consequences of violence against women. The campaign is conducted with support from the European Union. Read more…


Commissioner for European Neighborhood Policy and Enlargement Negotiations Johannes Hahn on November 23 didn’t announce the unblocking of the macro-financial assistance or the definite disbursement of the first tranche of the €100 million in the first quarter of 2018, for the Republic of Moldova. The clarification was provided by the Delegation of the European Union to Moldova following press reports that Commissioner Johannes Hahn made the announcement about the unblocking of the macro-financial assistance for the Republic of Moldova and the disbursement of the first tranche in the first quarter of 2018. Read more…


The starting positions of the unionist parties, each of them apart, and the eventual relations with the neighbors from the political arena in the future parliamentary elections were stated in the public debate “Starting positions of political parties and potential independent candidates on unionist platform before an electoral year”, which was the 82nd installment of the series “Developing political culture by public debates”, staged by IPN News Agency. Read more…


It is regrettable that the unionist movement does not fully exploit the historical dimension to support the unionist narrative and platform, stated historian Octavian Ticu. He considers the idea of the Union with Romania can be implemented through a number of steps. It is absolutely evident that a coalition of the unionist and pro-European forces would remove the stigma attached to unionists, who are said to be playing Plahotniuc’s game. Read more…


The disappointment witnessed since 2009 led to the polarization of society. In the period, the people’s support for the European course has declined, that for the Eurasian course persists, while that for the unionist course could equal the support for pro-European course in time, Vitalia Pavlichenco, chairwoman of the National Liberal Party, said in a public debate staged by IPN News Agency. Read more…


Chairman of the Party “Democracy at Home” (PDA) Vasile Costiuc said the unionist parties are pro-European by definition because the Union with Romania means integration into the EU, but the pro-European parties during the past few years have been less European and contributed to the diminution of people’s confidence in the European course by non-European behavior. Read more…


The unionist segment is very important, especially because the dimensions of this segment expand. “We have a pronounced unionist segment, director of the Association for Participatory Democracy (ADEPT) Igor Botan stated in a public debate  organized by IPN. The standing expert of IPN’s project noted that one should make a distinction between immediate unionism promoted by civic unionist movements, within which it is hard to speak about cooperation between unionists and Europeanists, and unionism from a medium perspective. Read more…


For providing €100 million in macro-financial assistance to Moldova, the European Union put again geopolitics on the first place. At the same time, this assistance is an instrument for exerting influence on the power in Chisinau, said experts invited to the talk show “Key issue” on NTV Moldova channel. Read more…


For next year, the Government cannot afford to allow the Republic of Moldova to be isolated at foreign level and not to restore the relations with the foreign partners. The necessity of having a normal relationship with the European partners is very important. The issue was developed in the talk show “Fabrika” on Publika TV channel. Read more…

The summary of news from the IPN series “European Integration” is produced with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany and can be further disseminated on condition that the source is indicated.