
IPN NEWS IN BRIEF: Eurointegration news of December 11-17, 2017


IPN on December 11 published an OP-ED article entitled Struggle against Russian propaganda in Moldova, touching of U.S. and European content” that was signed by political pundit Dionis Cenusa. According to the author, the swift amendment of the Code occurred amid the EU’s assessment of the fulfillment of the pre-conditions for obtaining the first tranche of macro-financial assistance. Even if it is an evident risk, the government nevertheless imposed restrictions on media content that threatens the information security of the state. Read more…


The Constitutional Court endorsed the bill to amend and supplement the Constitution so as to enshrine the European course in it that was submitted by 36 MPs. In its December 11 sitting, the Court held that Moldova’s aspirations to establish political, economic and cultural relations in other areas of common interest with the European countries and the orientation to the European space of shared democratic values were stipulated in the state foundation act – the Declaration of Independence. Read more…


The OP-ED article entitled “ATU Gagauzia shows interest in experience of South Tyrol. Is extension of powers of autonomous unit acceptable in Moldova’s conditions?”, signed by politologist Veaceslav Craciun, says the Autonomous Territorial Unit of Gagauzia intends to establish official cooperation relations with South Tyrol. This is the conclusion reached as a result of a working visit paid recently by the Bashkan of Gagauzia Irina Vlah and Speaker of the People’s Assembly Vladimir Kyssa to the capital of the Italian autonomous province Bolzano. Read more…


The Republic of Moldova goes through a broad process of modernizing the system of ensuring food safety and Romania, as a member of the EU, is a gate through which the Moldovan producers easier reach the EU market, Gheorghe Gaberi, director of the National Food Safety Agency (NFSA), stated in a news conference held to complete two bilateral Moldovan-Romanian food safety projects. The projects had a budget of almost €600,000. Read more…


The enshrining of the European course in the Constitution could influence the political processes in Moldova, especially because the interparty struggle is based on the geopolitical factor, Alexandru Solcan, dean of the Faculty of International Relations, Political and Administrative Sciences of the State University of Moldova, stated in a TV program. According to him, the geopolitical factor is the cleavage that makes the difference in the election campaign. The spokesman for the Democratic Party Vitalie Gamurari said the stipulation of the European course in the Constitution means adjustment to the good practices of the EU. Read more…


Before promoting any amendment to the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova, even a conceptual one, this should be supported by the majority of people at a referendum, President Igor Dodon said, noting that he will do his best to block the proposal to replace the phrase “Moldovan language” in the Constitution with “Romanian language”. Such statements were made in an event held by the President to sum up the results of one year in office. Read more…


If the Moldovan administration is unable to ensure balanced foreign policy after the upcoming parliamentary elections, the country can lose its statehood during the next 5-10 years. The statement was made by President Igor Dodon in an event held to sum up the results of a year in office. Igor Dodon said he is not anti-European even if he pleads for good relations with Russia. In the geopolitical realities in the world and the region, Moldova should have good relations with the West and with the East too. Read more…


The Republic of Moldova can follow the announced path of reformation and modernization only with the financial, economic and logistic support that at this historical stage is offered by the main European development partners. For the purpose, the state should fulfill 28 clear conditions that are stipulated in the memorandum on the provision of €100 million in macro-financial assistance. This is to be done very swiftly as parliamentary elections will be held in a year and the results of these can confirm and accelerate the country’s European course, but to the same extent can slow it down or even reverse it. The issues were disused by the participants in the public debate “Chances of fulfilling the 28 conditions for obtaining €100 million from the EU or How real is the government’s objective to make the European course irreversible until the parliamentary elections?”. The debate was the 85th installment of the series of debates “Developing political culture by public debates” that are organized by IPN News Agency and Radio Moldova. Read more…


The first installment of the €100 million in macro-financial assistance could reach Moldova next February or March. Under the memorandum of understanding between Moldova and the EU, an assessment will be carried out three months after the disbursement of the first installment and the conditions of the next disbursements will be set. The implementation of the conditions imposed by the EU depends on the Moldovan Government and implementation is the key word when the fulfillment of the conditions for obtaining the money is assessed, said Igor Botan, executive director of the Association for Participatory Democracy (ADEPT). Read more…


The 28 conditions imposed by the European Union on the Republic of Moldova are not necessarily something bad. On the contrary, this is something good as the irreversibility of the European course depends on the reforms done daily, including with European support. Moreover, the government insists a lot on the intensification of the dialogue with the EU as the continuous communication with the EU means coming closer to the ideal represented by the European community, Ion Ranga, a member of the Standing Bureau of the European People’s Party of Moldova (PPEM), stated in an IPN debate. Read more…


The 28 imposed conditions imposed by the EU on Moldova continue to remain the commitments of the Government and the parliamentary alliance that really want the European integration course and the process of subscribing to the European values to be irreversible. The necessary determination exists both at governmental level and at parliamentary level, Democratic MP Valentina Buliga said in an IPN debate. „All these reforms and activities that we should do further are not for the European Union, but for the citizens of the Republic of Moldova,” she stated. Read more…


“We make a significant mistake when we say that the European Union supports or not the Republic of Moldova because all the European institutions support the European integration of Moldova. But the EU has a very objective and critical attitude of the government’s acts and the delay, of already two years, in providing the macro-financial assistance derives from here,” Viorel Cibotaru, chairman of the Liberal Democratic Party (PDDM), stated in an IPN debate. He noted that the democratic deviations, corruption in the political class, inability to do reforms in accordance with the assumed commitments and institutional incoherence are among the often findings of international monitoring organizations. Read more…


The European Union does not offer money for Moldova to offer something instead. The imposed conditions, even if they are aimed against someone or somebody and target the bureaucratic system or the less efficient political class, they are for the people’s benefit. Veaceslav Ionita, expert of the Institute for Development and Social Initiative “Viitorul”, said in an IPN debate. “All the conditions of the European Union are actually presents intended for our people and here they show that we can, by particular efforts and if we are intelligent and fulfill them, to enjoy much greater benefits than the €100 million,” stated the expert. Read more…


By the conditions imposed on the Republic of Moldova, the European Union wishes the country only good, said Veaceslav Ionita, expert of the Institute for Development and Social Initiative “Viitorul”, referring, in particular, to two of the 28 conditions set out in the memorandum of understanding between Moldova and the EU for the provision of €100 million in macro-financial assistance. One of the conditions refers to the central Government reform, while the second to the reduction in the number of permissive documents. The opinion was stated in an IPN debate. Read more…


The European course witnesses a record popular approval high, according to the most recent poll carried out by the Institute of Marketing and Polls IMAS. Some 60% of the country’s population supports this course now. This is a record high in the last five years, the Institute’s executive director Doru Petrutsi stated in a TV program. “This is a record high, but we should learn particular lessons here. When the government does not produce sufficient good and positive events that are appreciated by the European Union, things change to the opposite. When the cooperation improves, this thing is reflected in polls,” said the IMAS executive director. Read more…


During four years, the European Union has worked to improve the capacities of the education sector players and to determine if the taught courses are relevant or not to the labor market. Within the EU-funded project “Technical assistance for education and professional training in Moldova” that was launched in 2014, dialogue platforms were established between the labor market and education institutions in building, transport, agriculture, food industry, IT and other areas. There were created Centers of Excellence that were outfitted with digital blackboards and modern equipment. Among the future plans are to outfit the professional-technical institutions, to adjust the teaching aids to the labor market requirements. Read more…


If a referendum on Moldova’s entry into the European Union was held next Sunday, 47.2% of the respondents of the Public Opinion Barometer, conducted between November 18 and December 5, would vote for, while 25.8% would vote against. If a referendum on Moldova’s entry into the Eurasian Union (Russia-Belarus-Kazakhstan) was held, 42.4% of those polled would vote for, while 30.4% would vote against. If a referendum where the voters would be asked to choose between entry into the European Union and entry into the Eurasian Union was held, 38.1% of the respondents would choose the first, while 32.6% the second. Another 23% provided no answer. Read more…


The activity of the Democratic Party (PDM) will continue to center on such principles as attitude to the people, care for them, justness, development, dignity and values. These objectives are contained in the resolution adopted by the National Political Council of the PDM in a meeting in the evening of December 14. The Liberal leader Vlad Plahotniuc, in a press briefing after the Council’s meeting, stated that the PDM believes in the European values and promotes them by the reforms done by its representatives in the Government and Parliament. The European integration should be freed from political populism and incorporated into the national country development strategy. Read more...


The Republic of Moldova entered a period when it enjoys even more development possibilities, Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova Peter Michalko stated in the program “Politics” on TV8 channel. The ambassador voiced hope that during his term in office he will see how these possibilities are used massively for the people’s benefit. Speaking about the conditions imposed by the European Union for providing the macro-financial assistance, especially the electoral system change, the Head of the EU Delegation said all the transformations are in the hands of the Moldovan authorities. Read more...


Before the Eastern Partnership Summit took place in Brussels November 24, every side had its own views, expectations and intentions. However, the Summit results demonstrated that the European Union was still capable of bringing quite a wide range of aspirations to the common denominator and keeping the initiative afloat even if it did not completely satisfy the needs of some participants, wrote EaP Think Bridge. Read more...


The December 15 issue of the O.G. starts with the Law on banking activity (No. 202, October 6, 2017), which was adopted on the Government’s initiative. This transposes several directives and regulations of the European Parliament and European Council concerning access to the activity of lending institutions and prudential supervision of lending institutions and investment funds, which were published in the Official Journal of the European Union in June 2013. The law is designed to develop the inspection duties of the National Bank of Moldova and to adjust the national legislation to international standards and practices. Read more...


During five years, the European Union, together with the development partners, has promoted the “green growth” in the Republic of Moldova through a project to green the economies in the Eastern Partnership countries. In Moldova, a number of companies helped implement mechanisms for the efficient use of resources. Now they can economize on water and energy, Aneil Singh, Head of the Operations Section of the EU Delegation to Moldova, said in a conference held on December 15. The project financed by the Europe Union was implemented in 2013-2017. Read more...


A group of persons who include members of the first Parliament who voted the Declaration of Independence and personalities who fostered national renaissance and liberation launched the European Civic Movement of the Republic of Moldova. The announced goal of the Movement is to take an active part in the election campaign prior to the 2018 parliamentary elections by facilitating the organization of a common electoral front of the political forces in support of Moldova’s European course. A number of 77 persons signed for the creation of the European Civic Movement so far. Read more...


The subject of political party funding is a complex one in many states. In particular, this refers to private donations in election campaigns, which can be made to promote particular interests. This subject deserves special attention as the integrity of the whole system and of the electoral process in general can be in danger. In Moldova, even if the regulations on party funding were improved, more steps should be taken to ensure transparency in party and election campaign funding. EU Ambassador to Moldova Peter Michalko said that development of democracy based on pluralism, rule of law, transparency and responsibility is one of the EU objectives that is also stipulated in the EU – Moldova Association Agreement. Read more...


The legislative body ratified the grant and loan agreements with the European Union for the provision of €100m in macro-financial assistance to the Republic of Moldova, specifically €60 million is loans, while €40 million in the form of grants. The money will be disbursed in three equal installments, depending on the progress made in implementing the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the International Monetary Fund and the conditions agreed by Moldova and the EU. The loans will be repayable in 15 years. The interest rate will be set for each installment apart and will depend on the fluctuations on the European banking market. Read more...


In Moldova, the ceilings on private donations made by private individuals and legal entities to political parties, including for financing election campaigns, are too high if taking into account the context in the country and the revenues of the population. The opinions were formulated in a national conference. Christoph Speckbacher, division head at the GRECO Secretariat, said the Republic of Moldova has a legal framework that can ensure transparency in political party and campaign funding. The independence of public institutions with supervision duties should be ensured so that these show their efficiency. Read more...

The summary of news from the IPN series “European Integration” is produced with support from the Hanns Seidel Foundation of Germany and can be further disseminated on condition that the source is indicated.