
Ion Leucă: Democrats will definitely vote law on NGOs


The Democratic MPs will definitely vote the law on NGOs and there will surely be over 50 votes of MPs for adopting this bill. The amendments proposed by the Socialist MPs should be examined thoroughly within the expert parliamentary commissions. A condition is for them not to be detrimental to Moldova’s European course, Democratic MP Ion Leucă said in a public debate entitled “Voting of EU conditions: parliamentary majority’s twist” that was staged by IPN News Agency.

Ion Leucă said the second tranche of €30 million of the EU’s macro-financial assistance is extremely necessary during the current pandemic. His colleagues, at the meeting of the Democratic parliamentary group, said they will support unconditionally the Law on NGOs, whose adoption is among the conditionality elements. It would be incorrect if the Democratic Party, regardless of all the animosities witnessed inside the government coalition, does not support this bill as even the president of the PDM, while serving as Premier, promoted this law and negotiated it in Brussels.

According to the MP, by the statements made today, President Igor Dodon somehow gave hope that he reviewed some of his views on these bills as it is a rather optimistic way from the assertion that the coalition will be dismembered if the PDM votes the law on NGOs up to the declaration concerning the reaching of a compromise.

Ion Leucă noted the PDM does not feel very comfortably in the coalition with the PSRM owing to the existence of different views. But the PDM will never accept a compromise on the revision of Moldova’s European course. “In this connection, the presence of the PDM in the current coalition is a guarantee for the citizens, for our voters that we will keep this course, including by adopting these laws. And this will be the Democrats’ contribution to the fulfillment of those commitments that the Republic of Moldova is to honor on its path of European integration and in the implementation of the Association Agreement,” stated Ion Leucă.

The MP considers the coalition mates changed their position after the administration of the PDM presented its arguments in the meetings of the coalition and at the permanent discussions. The coalition partners this way became more flexible. The PDM decided to form part of this not very attractive coalition and made this compromise in order to promote the interests of the citizens, the country and the European course.

As to the amendments formulated by the Socialist MPs, Ion Leucă said he hasn’t yet examined them, but they cannot be supported if they limit the NGOs’ right to expression on political subjects. He always maintained that experts from different areas should do their job and he respects the experts who make a contribution to improving the legislation. “In such conditions, Socialists’ amendments will be supported if they are not detrimental to Moldova’s European course,” he stated.

According to Ion Leucă, the PDM expressed its readiness and political will to vote the law on NGOs. At the meeting of the Parliament’s Standing Bureau, representatives of the party demanded that the law should be examined as swiftly as possibly, even this week. “The government coalition will try to adopt a common position. The Democratic MPs, who consider this bill is very necessary, made a compromise when the Russian loan was adopted. It is now the turn of our Socialist mates to show flexibility and compromise,” he stated.  

The debate “Voting of EU conditions: parliamentary majority’s twist” was the 138th installment of the series of debates “Developing political culture through public debates” that are supported by the Hanns Seidel Foundation.