
Introduction of European course into Constitution will divide society, opinion


The introduction of the European course into the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova will divide society according to the geopolitical factor. Such statements were made in the program “Key issue” on NTV Moldova channel, IPN reports.

Political commentator Boris Shapovalov said the initiative to introduce Moldova’s orientation to the European system of democratic values will be delayed until before the campaign prior to the next year’s parliamentary elections and the population will be then divided according to the geopolitical factor. “This is a bomb with delayed effect in our political process so as to divide society before the elections,” stated the politologist, noting that the issue can be solved only by a referendum.

Analyst Victor Ciobanu said that both the current government and an eventual government formed by the Socialists, if these win the 2018 elections, could organize a referendum on the issue. In one case, the people would vote for the European course, while in the other case they would vote for integration into the Eurasian Union.

Political analyst Roman Mihaies said that a legal and political form supported by the largest part of the population and a majority in Parliament should be identified on this matter. To be able to enter the EU, Moldova will have to hold a referendum.