
Internal Medicine Congress assesses state of health system


About 600 renowned specialists from the country and abroad are taking part in the third Internal Medicine Congress that is held in Chisinau on October 24 and 25. The event is devoted to the Year of Nicolae Testemitanu and is designed to reflect the most recent scientific accomplishments in the diagnosis and treatment of internal diseases, promoting also mobility among internists in the region. The ceremony to open the Congress was held in the evening of September 24, IPN reports.

Chairman of the Society of Internists and Rheumatologists of Moldova Liliana Groppa said ten years have passed since the last meeting of the kind. Many things changes in the health system meanwhile. New treatment methods and technologies appeared and these need to be implemented in Moldova too. “We will make effort for the news we will hear at the Congress to be implemented in our country. The same is true about new reforms,” stated Liliana Groppa.

Attending the opening ceremony, Prime Minister Pavel Filip said the health system has always been one of the key areas of social interest. In a state, the Government is most interested in having a solid health system as the economic development of the state depends on the health of the people who are able to work. ”The development of this area is directly related to the financial capacity of the state. The building of a solid health system requires education in the field, hospitals and infrastructure and a healthy economic climate,” stated Pavel Filip.

Minister of Health, Labor and Social Protection Stela Grigoras said the internal medicine covers now a very dynamic path. The Congress shows that the representatives of internal medicine in Moldova are committed to improving the health system in accordance with the new global treatment and diagnosis trends. “The global trends as regards cardiovascular, endocrinal, rheumatologic, hepatic and pulmonary diseases show millions of people are affected and the fact that we identify these diseases at an early age is a cause for alarm,” stated Stela Grigoras.

For his part, rector of the Nicolae Testemitanu University of Medicine and Pharmacy Ion Ababii said internal medicine is one of the basic pillars of the health system. According to the World Health Organization, 86% of the deaths in the world are due to non-transmitted diseases of which internists are responsible. “Therefore, the specialist training program in our university envisions that internal medicine will be studied during six years at two thirds of the lectures at clinical departments. This shows how important this theme is,” stated the rector.

The Internal Medicine Congress is organized by the Internal Medicine Department of the Nicolae Testemitanu University of Medicine and Pharmacy in cooperation with the Society of Internists and Rheumatologists of Moldova and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection.