
Interim Premier empowered to propose naming and dismissing ministers


The interim Prime Minister will be able to submit proposals to the head of state concerning the appointment and discharging of ministers and managers of bodies of the institutions controlled by the Government. A bill to this effect was passed by Parliament at the suggestion of the Lib-Dems in two readings, by a majority of votes, IPN reports.

As until now, the interim Premier will not be able to adopt decisions on the dismissal of the Government and will not be able to form and propose candidates for the Cabinet. The other powers will be similar to those of a Premier supported by Parliament.

The MPs also voted in favor of including a new article in the Law on the Government, also at the proposal of the Liberal-Democratic MPs. The acting Cabinet will implement laws, regardless of the areas regulated by them, will carry out economic and social development programs, will ensure the security of the state and its people, and will manage the public affairs. It will also approve legislative initiatives, will draft the state budget law and submit it to Parliament for adoption, will sign international agreements, when their signing is needed for implementing the laws adopted by Parliament, etc.

The acting Cabinet will only be limited in pursuing the foreign policy and in putting into practice legislative initiatives in areas that concern the formulation and approval of activity programs.