
Interactive map of traditional Moldovan products was launched


Tourists come to Moldova not only to see Orheiul Vechi or the Purcari, Cricova or Mileștii Mici wineries, but come to immerse into our culture, which is somewhat represented by our traditional products. The statement belongs to Anatol Fală, an expert involved in the creation of an interactive map of traditional Moldovan products. The interactive map was launched on September 24 at a press conference.

"We have one of a kind and traditional products, which we must consume. The products that we are acquainted with should be promoted to those who visit Moldova", said Anatol Fală.

An evaluation of agricultural, agri-food and hand-made products was made in order to identify if they can be promoted as traditional products. The evaluation was possible due to the support of a European project and the support of the State Agency for Intellectual Property. "We have discovered many products that should be trademarked. Producers should capitalize on these products", said Anatol Fală.

Simion Levițchi, the head of the Brands and Industrial Design Department of AGEPI, said that all the categories of traditional products that are in a certain region of Moldova appear on the map. "If someone is interested in a particular product, her or she can contact the producer directly", said Simion Levițchi.

AGEPI Acting Director-General Andrei Popa said that AGEPI aims to make a mobile map application. "I am urging local producers and travel agencies to contribute to the development of this interactive map", said Andrei Popa.