
Institutional reform is the only way for Moldova to join the EU: European Action Movement leader


The institutional reform is the only way for Moldova to join the European Union. The integration into the EU is nothing but reforming the governmental institutions, building a state of law and promoting economic and social reforms motivating the people to work in the country, not abroad. The opinion belongs to Anatol Petrencu, the president of the European Action Movement (EAM). The statement was made Sunday, December 14, at the beginning of an international scientific conference called “Moldova and the its prospects of integrating into the European Union.” According to the EAM's leader, who organized the event, the goal of the conference consisted in “wording recommendations for the civil society and political parties to overcome the stagnation in which Moldova is now.” “The integration into the European Union is an individual process in which the efforts and the determination of the political class are important,”, said Filip Teodorescu, the Romanian ambassador to Moldova, who attended the conference. Romania's joining into the EU represents a new stage in the relationships between Romania and Moldova. The economic and political advantages Romania profits from draw the two countries closer economically, and now Romania is the main country where the Moldovan products are exported, he said. In the opinion of European Parliamentarian Cristian Silviu Busoi, Moldova shall not eye to join the EU within a group of states. “I don't think Moldova was necessarily associated with the countries from Western Balkans in joining the EU. Anyway, the EU tries to discuss individual cases, if certain countries who stated their European vocations match or not the adhesion criteria.” The influence that Russia has over the Moldovan politicians hampers Moldova to assume its European destiny, said Vitalia Pavlicenco, the president of the National Liberal Party. In this respect the accord with the EU, signed by the Communists in February 2005, was but a hypocrite move through they avoided a orange revolution, Pavlicenco said. “The Communists cannot be pro-European in their totalitarian essence. Plus, Russia does not allow them to be in the same political union with Romania, because it's a de facto reunification for the Russians,” said the National Liberal Parliamentarian. Vitalia Pavlicenco opines Romania shall be and is the natural advocate of Moldova on its way to the EU. “Unfortunately Romania is a captive of the syndrome “of not interfering into the domestic affairs of the Republic of Moldova,” the MP added. In the end of the conference, Anatol Petrencu underlined the stake of the parliamentary elections in 1999 for Moldova's European vocation. “The Communist Governance through its genetic code is not able to carry out the necessary reforms. It's impossible to integrate yourself into the EU and lead a stubborn anti-Romanian policy as the present rulers do.”