
Information about compensation of payments for public utilities


Almost half of the applications for compensating the costs incurred for public utilities and energy resources have been processed. The Public Amenities Division assures that all the applications will be assessed and next month all the applicants who meet the criteria will receive recalculated bills, IPN reports.

In the ordinary meeting of officials of Chisinau services, the head of the Public Amenities Division Ion Burdiumov said that by a data processing commission works at each district head’s office. Last week, applications were submitted by about 7,000 families. After verifying the data, the information was transmitted to suppliers for paying compensations.

Ion Burdiumov noted that of the 21,523 applications, 10,215 were processed. “I hope all the applications filed last year and those that came in January-February will be examined by the end of this month and all those who are entitled will get the requested compensations next month. We call on the people to be calm,” stated the functionary.

Compensations for public utilities and energy resources, equal to 40% of the bill, are provided to families whose earnings for the past 12 months are lower than 3,000 lei a month for each person and young families (younger than 35) whose global monthly earnings are lower than 5,000 lei.

Over 21,000 families with low incomes received such compensations the previous heating season.