The Chisinau City Hall obliged the municipal invoicing company “Infocom” to do additional calculations for the apartments from the blocks where there are undistributed quantities of water and to add this volumes to the bills sent to dwellers, but not more than two cubic meter of drinking water and of hot water per month, IPN reports.
In a communiqué, the Chisinau City Hall says the dwellers will pay monthly not more than two cubic meters of drinking water and not more than two cubic meter of hot water additionally if there are discrepancies between the data indicated by the block water meter and the individual water meters. The total volume of undistributed water will be redistributed when the central public authorities approve the regulations concerning the implementation of the law on public water supply and sewerage services.
All the housing sector managers were instructed to periodically inspect the individual water meters in apartment buildings. If violations are identified as regards the installation, maintenance and servicing of individual meters, the housing sector managers or the operators will issue the dwellers with prescriptions for removing them. If these irregularities are not removed on time, “Infocom” will calculate the consumed water in accordance with the Government Decision No. 191 of 19.02.2002.