
Industrial output index up 5%


The volume of industrial production, during the first five months of this year, rose by 5% compared with January-May 2007. The industrial entities output production worth 11.356 billion lei in current prices, Info-Prim Neo has learnt from the National Statistics Bureau. The production growth has been especially motivated by the growth of the output of food and beverages companies (+ 10.8%) and of the energy sector (+8.8%), which, having weights of 34.9% and 14.8%, have contributed to the growth of the total production by 3.6% and, respectively, by 1.3%. Substantial growths have been registered by wineries – almost 1.7 times, distilleries – by 1.5 times, by the companies producing medical, precise, optical equipment – 1.5 times, furniture makers – by 22.7%, vapor and hot water suppliers – by 15.4% , by the entities producing and processing meat – by 14.6%, bakeries – by 13.9% etc. At the same time, production has dropped at companies processing and canning fruit and vegetables – by 29.2%, oils and greases – by 20.4%, tobacco – by 23,5%, glass – - 17.6%, apparel – -10.5%, at companies producing rubber and plastic articles – by 8.2%.