
Independence Day to be celebrated in Orhei with pomp


The Orhei Town Hall is preparing a vast program of festivities to celebrate Independence Day, it said in a press release.

The official program will start at 9:00AM outside the Town Hall, where Mayor Ilan Shor will present the revived People's Guard to the town residents. This new force will help the town police to maintain order.

A laying of flowers will follow at the Monument to WWII Heroes (10:00AM) and at the statue to the medieval ruler of Moldavia Vasile Lupu (11:00AM). There, Mayor Shor will hold a congratulatory speech and will officially open the festivities. Immediately after, a concert will start in Vasile Lupu Square featuring Orhei dance and music bands.

Later, Mayor Shor will inaugurate the first several renovated streets in the neighborhood of Lupoaica, repaired as part of a broader road rehabilitation project that is underway in Orhei. At noon, a ceremony will be held to inaugurate the renovated entrance to Orhei from the road M2 that is linking the town to the capital.

Throughout the day, starting at 8:00AM, Vasile Lupu Street will host a number of exhibitions displaying items handcrafted by Orhei children and traditional craftsmen from across the district. Local producers will also exhibit their goods along the town's main street.

At 1:00PM, a contest of traditional wrestling trânta will be held in Vasile Lupu Square. The prizes will also be traditional – a rooster, a turkey and a ram.

At 7:00PM, a ceremony will be held to re-inaugurate Ivanos Park after an ample reconstruction initiated by Ilan Shor.

The program will culminate with a show, beginning at 7:30PM on the Orhei Stadium, featuring the popular singers Ion Suruceanu, Anisoara Puica, Ionel Istrati, Adrian Ursu, Vitalie Dani, Marcel and Cornelia Stefanet, Natalia Gordienko, the Bivol siblings, and Olia Tira, and starring the band “Zdob si Zdub”. Admission is free.

A fireworks show will end the festivities at 11:00PM.