
Inclusive kindergarten opened for Ungheni children with disabilities


Almost 70 disabled children aged between 5 and 7 from Ungheni are able to go to kindergarten following the renovation of an institution within the project “Equal Early Education Chances for all Children”.

Contacted by IPN, project coordinator Maria Calchei, head of the Public Association “Sustinere si Speranta” (“Assistance and Hope”), said that by this initiative, the NGO she manages aims to contribute to the implementation of the national social inclusion strategy that was approved by the Government in 2003. “We analyzed the situation in Ungheni district and saw that 37% of the children aged between 5 and 7 there didn’t attend the kindergarten, even if training at this age is obligatory. Also, the children with disabilities didn’t have access to common education services,” stated Maria Calchei.

In 2009, the organization’s members identified a closed kindergarten with a capacity of 360 places and asked the local public authorities and donors to help renovate it. The backers provided €65,000 for repairing the building and purchasing the necessary methodological equipment. The district authorities earmarked 4 million lei, while 3 million lei was allocated from the Social Investment Fund. Currently, the kindergarten is attended by 366 children, 67 of whom are disabled. Maria Calchei said the reopening of the kindergarten was a success, but more such institutions are needed.

The project “Equal Early Education Chances for all Children” was implemented in 2009-2011 in partnership with the Charity and Social Assistance Association “Acasa” (”At home”) that is financed by the Dutch Foundation “Janivo”. The project won the 2013 ERSTE Social Integration Award, which will be handed over in Vienna at the end of June.